Weekdays 10-6 E.S.T.    
The Best Cushions, Wheelchairs, and Accessories

About Wheelchair Cushion Sage

 Wheelchair Cushions and Accessories

Wheelchair Cushion Sage is a user-centric source for wheelchairs, cushions, and accessories.

In 2009 a full-time wheelchair user began the work that launched Wheelchair Cushion Sage later the same year. With a fondness for science and engineering, together with a strong customer-centric approach to business, that full-time wheelchair user sought to offer demonstrably superior products to the wheeler market. In that same context, you will notice that not every manufacturer's product is referenced here.

As a service, this business also helps people who ask for suggestions regarding their buying decisions. The decisions are not always trivial.

For example, when considering a cushion, there are many different types of wheelchair cushion structures (the red text links to a very large image). Which one do you buy? A thoughtful approach to the buying decision will consider the individual user's physical condition, together with cushion-specific factors such as: pressure distribution, air circulation, heat transfer, moisture retention, stabilization, maintenance, durability, weight, and cost.

It is impossible to accurately identify the best wheelchair cushion for a particular individual without first establishing a mutually understood prioritization of the relevant factors, together with an accepted means of assessing each factor's efficacy.

The best seating solution for a physically active, minimally impaired wheelchair user who desires the lightest weight cushion possible is one matter. However, a different cushion will likely best serve someone whose condition severely limits their physical movement and whose highest priority entails the absolute optimal pressure relief for their particular pelvic physique.

Thus; as shown in this simple cushion example, selecting the best one is not always a trivial decision. Whether it's a cushion, or a shower/commode chair, or a power assist unit, etc., people are individuals and the associated buying decisions are best addressed on an individual basis. You are welcome to call Wheelchair Cushion Sage during business hours to discuss your particular situation.

Here you will find - what Wheelchair Cushion Sage considers to be - the best wheelchair seat cushions, chairs, and associated accessories available anywhere in the world today. If you know of a demonstrably superior product that is not sold here, please tell us about it.